We offer a range of professional Building Surveying services, which are always tailored to our clients’ individual needs. 

So whether you occupy a Building, are Selling, Buying, or Leasing Propvisory can help! 

When things go wrong with your building, we’re here to help!

Defects in buildings can arise for a manner of reasons. Water, ground movement, age related deterioration, or even poor workmanship. Propvisory have expertise in analysing building defects to drill down to the route cause of the issue and advise on how to deal with it.

If you are planning works which could affect neighbouring properties, or indeed your neighbour’s are working on their property, get the right advice from our Party Wall experts.

Propvisory boast the only approved ‘Third Surveyor’ and Fellow of the Faculty of Party Wall Surveyors in Lancahsire, and one of only 4 in the North West. Our expertise in handling matters under the Party Wall etc. Act 1996 will help you in complying with the legal requirements and safeguard your property interests when works are being undertaken.

Relations between neighbours can often become difficult, especially when changes occur. All too often this boils down to a lack of communication, or emotions running high.

Involving a specialist professional to deal with neighbourly matters can take the heat out of a situation and provide a positive outcome for all. Whether it is Rights to Light, Boundary issues, access to facilitate Building Works, or something a little more obscure – Propovisory can assist!

Our clients range from private individuals to public bodies and large corporations.